Thursday 21 November 2013

The English Major Book Clutch Tutorial

Before we get started with this excellent tutorial, first let me say haters gon' hate.  Ever since the Lauren Conrad incident when she chopped up Lemony Snicket books to make a stylish storage bin, self-righteous book lovers everywhere have been viciously deploring anyone who so much as blinks at their craft supplies.
There are a lot of reasons why I think that's wrong.  For one, I think the internet is like the judgiest place ever and it drives me mental that those hiding behind their laptops screens can post comment after comment of vitriolic insults that they would never dare expound face-to-face.  Plus, there's the added fact that we don't know the whole story.  If some craftster has rescued a pack of books from a dumpster and they are literally falling apart and unreadable, who am I to criticize if they use the pages for arts and crafts?  People also have the right to do what they want with their own property, whether we like it or not.  And personally, if I'm going to work for property law changes or to alter people's mindset, I'm going to work on the assholes who think they can beat their dogs or euthanize their otherwise healthy animals just because "it's my property."  But I'm getting off track.  The point is, keep your bitching to yourself, Internet.  Because this is a really awesome craft and it made a fantastic, inexpensive, meaningful grad gift to my beloved friends.
Book page art by TexasGirlDesigns on Etsy
  The hardest part of this process was finding the right books.  I wanted affordable, but beautiful, sturdy hardcovers, of novels my friends had not just read, but loved.  Because it's definitely poser-ish to strut around with a book clutch of a story you've never read.  I don't have photos of this part of the process, but scour Value Village, the Salvation Army, and used bookstores until you find a book that appeals to you and a clutch or wallet that is a similar size or slightly smaller.
STEP ONE: Gather supplies.
Pretty book
Similar-sized clutch
Hot glue gun and gun
Exacto knife
Pencil and sharpie
Cardboard and wrapping paper
Stuff to protect your workspace like a trivet and old newspaper
Possibly some foam and fabric if your clutch is way too short for the cover.

Ready to go!
STEP TWO: This one hurts.
The hardest part of the process is cutting up the book.  I know, it hurts.  But if you do it carefully, the book will come out intact.  Be extra careful not to puncture the cover!  Just cut the cover from the bound pages.
Take a deep breath.
STEP THREE: Position the clutch inside the cover, and, when it's where you like it, generously glue it in place.
Also cut any ugly tags out of the inside of your clutch.

There's a saying "I craft, therefore I have no thumbprints."  That's because hot glue BURNS.
STEP FOUR: Wait patiently for glue to dry.  The amazing thing about hot glue is that it's solid after like three minutes.  So not much patience required.  I like this.  Add more glue if you see weak spots.
STEP FIVE: Take the intact pages of the book and measure against a piece of firm but flexible cardboard.  This will be the new cover.
 STEP SIX: Glue the book to the cardboard and wrap it (like you did in third grade) with pretty paper.  Write the title on the front and the spine.  Ta-da!  You have a completely readable, customized, book, as well as a new purse that is totally a conversation starter and a proud proclamation of your love of all things lit!

No books were harmed in the making of this purse.

STEP SEVEN: You can add a decorative tassel or cord to the zipper or cover if you want (Fabricland has great options).
Each will be unique; this clutch came with a wristlet and cute rounded clasp.  See the gold cord along the side of the spine?

|Clutch on the left; book on the right.  Tassel attached to the zipper.
Hope you enjoyed this.  Go forth and make your own clutches; they're great conversation starters.  What better way to show the world how madly in love you are with a book or author than by touting them around everywhere you go?

Gotta book it!

xox --JEM


Apparently the "in" thing right now, thanks to Restoration Hardware, is spineless books! Another excellent way to salvage and display the inside of your hardcover after doing the book clutch DIY. The evidence:


Restoration Hardware inspired spineless books
For sale on Etsy

Restoration Hardware Catalogue
Restoration Hardware
Restoration Hardware

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